"tipo assim a primeira ideia nunca pensaram voces quando ligam para algum serviço e falamos com uma voz bueda esquesita e a primeira que nos vem a cabeça incoscientemente é: EPAH O GAJO DEVE SER UM DO CARA*****FUINHA. COM AQUELA VOZ" disse o Pedro

15 October, 2008

The Danger With Rhetorical Questions

Tech Support | Dallas, TX, USA

Me: “Thank you for calling ******, how can I help you?”

Customer: “I am in the back office and someone told me that we were supposed to be able to use wireless keyboards, so I cut the cable.”

Me: “You… cut the cable?”

Customer: “Yes, and now it doesn’t work.”

Me: “You cut the cable on your keyboard, and now it doesn’t work?”

Customer: “Yes”

Me: “You’re going to have to buy a new keyboard.”

Customer: “Why? I was told we could use wireless keyboards.”

Me: “That is not a wireless keyboard.”

Customer: “Yes it is.”

Me: “Just because you cut the cord does not make it wireless.”

Customer: “Can’t you just make it work?”

Me: “Does your phone have a cable?”

Customer: “Yes.”

Me: “If you cut it, do you think your phone will work?”

Customer: *line disconnects after 20 seconds of silence*

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