"tipo assim a primeira ideia nunca pensaram voces quando ligam para algum serviço e falamos com uma voz bueda esquesita e a primeira que nos vem a cabeça incoscientemente é: EPAH O GAJO DEVE SER UM DO CARA*****FUINHA. COM AQUELA VOZ" disse o Pedro
24 September, 2008
isto vai acontecer mais depresaa do que imaginamos.
TV, com portas USB ja estao disponiveis no mercado, as proximas vao ter leitor de cartoes de memoria.
21 September, 2008
Butter exported from Cork to Lisbon.
As Anglo-Irish trade came to dominate the economy during the eighteenth century, these controls were made with a view to improving the access to English markets for Irish agrarian goods. After the suspension of the restrictions on live cattle in 1759, the English market was increasingly open to Irish agricultural goods but the heavily salted Irish butter was not to the English taste. However, although the subsequent reduction in salt met with some opposition from the West India provision merchants, the scheme was successful. Irish imports to Britain increased and the quality of butter improved, but even at the end of the century its market was confined to the growing working class, for whom its cheapness was a major consideration. When the restrictions on live cattle and other produce were finally repealed in 1774, Cork was exporting 34 per cent of all Irish butter destined for British markets and, by the late 1770s, the English market accounted for half of the butter exported from Cork. Although heavily salted butter continued to be sent to the West Indies and Portugal, increasing exports to England led to a decline in exports to other northern European countries.
18 September, 2008
10 September, 2008
Customer Quê? -6
- Hi. I would like to book a flight to Uganda...
Wrong number, sir. Wrong number.